From Idea to Market
One Week Only

We will help you solve big problems and validate ideas in just one week — no matter how daring or crazy they are.

Request a Call
Businessman is launching a software product.

You’re tired of playing darts in the dark, working on multiple product ideas you’re not sure anyone wants?

  • Endless meetings with no conclusions that drain time, money and motivation?
  • Confusion and misalignment between cross-functional teams and stakeholders?

The problem is, you’re stuck

Businessman is launching a software product.
Symptom #1

Trying to get everything perfect from the beginning, so you never make real progress.

Businessman is launching a software product.
Symptom #2

Focussing on features and output instead of the overall value to the user.

Businessman is launching a software product.
Symptom #3

Not getting customer feedback early and consistently.

After months in the same cycle, you’re still at square one. While your competitors are launching cutting-edge products.

Businessman is launching a software product.

Now imagine having a structure that guarantees demand validated by real consumers.

  • Confident and data-driven decision making with ease.
  • A level playing field allowing everyone’s strengths to shine.
Businessman is launching a software product.

And gives you the power to leap ahead of the competition in just one week.

  • Cut risks, cut costs and cut time wasting, for an incredible return on investment.
  • Produce a highly realistic, interactive prototype that gets your team excited, and stakeholders jumping to buy in.
Businessman is launching a software product.

Our Solution

The Design Sprint

A simple, efficient formula, battle-proven through 50+ client success stories.

The Human1st Design Sprint workshop in action
The Human1st Design Sprint workshop in action
The Human1st Design Sprint workshop in action

What do you get?

In 1 week, our highly-specialised product design and innovation pros will guide your team through a process that would usually take 6 months or more.

Get Started
Interactive prototype

High-fidelity interactive prototype that looks & feels like a real product.

User validation

Insights from real users to determine where effort should be focused.

Product roadmap

Step-by-step product roadmap for what’s next.

Easy buy-in

Easy buy-in of stakeholders to your vision thanks to the de-risked plan.

Team alignment

Full alignment between all cross-functional teams.

Pool of ideas

A mass of collected ideas that are generated from your team of experts.

Get Started

How does it work?

Our Design Sprint is a fixed battle-tested structure, but with our two week model we have space to tweak the stages to fit your unique challenge. Over the course of around 1 week, we take your team through 5 phases:

Day 1

Understanding the problem

Everyone has a deep understanding of the problem, and we all align on a common goal.

Your Team
Our Team
Day 2

Creating solutions

We create a huge bank of solutions through fun, energetic exercises that bring out every player’s strengths.

Your Team
Our Team
Day 3

Decision making

Through tried and tested structures, we identify the strongest solution, and create a visual user story.

Your Team
Our Team
Day 4


We create a highly realistic, interactive prototype for both user testing and decision maker buy in.

Our Team
Day 5


Finally, we’ll put a high-end prototype in front of real users to justify overall market interest.

Our Team

My initial concern was there was no way we could get everyone away from their work for several days. Just the idea of pulling key people away seemed like it could paralyze our operations. In just 3 hours of Design Sprint, we did what we'd been working on for the past 5 years. It's hard to believe, but the focused approach made all the difference.

Sharika Chauhan, COO at LedgerComm
Manmit Shrimali
CEO at Turing

The Design Sprint method drives success at

Google logo
Lufthansa logo
E-on logo
Ikea logo
Sap logo
eBay logo
Salesforce logo
Netflix logo
Amazon logo
Red Bull logo
Nestle logo

The Design Sprint method drives success at

At Google they use Design Sprint method to drive success.At Lufthansa they use Design Sprint method to drive success.At E-on they use Design Sprint method to drive success.At Uber they use Design Sprint method to drive success.At Slack they use Design Sprint method to drive success.At Airbnb they use Design Sprint method to drive success.At Salesforce they use Design Sprint method to drive success.At Netflix they use Design Sprint method to drive success.
Businessman is launching a software product through Design Sprint process.

Why our clients keep coming back to us?

We not only facilitate Sprints. We also participate and contribute elite expertise in:

  • Design Thinking
  • Product and Business Strategy
  • User-centric Design
  • Prototyping
  • Technology

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of company or sector can benefit from a Design Sprint?

We’ve facilitated Sprints in every size of company, from small start-ups right up to large multinationals, and in a huge variety of sectors from FinTech to Automotive to E-commerce and many more. We’ll always give you our honest opinion if there’s a better option for your particular challenge – book a call for a free no-sales assessment.

We’re still at an early stage in our project, so how do I know if we’re ready for a Design Sprint?

The best way to assess this is by booking an intro call with our CEO Simon. Depending on your situation, he may suggest a Product Strategy Sprint or a Design Sprint, or direct you to another option if our services don’t fit. Honest human-to-human advice, always.

Our project is very complex. How do I know if this will work for our company?

Design Sprint is a structure that has been successful for businesses of all types and sizes all over the world. But before you commit we’ll always have a free, no obligation chat, so we can confirm if it’s right for your situation. It’s not in our interests to sell you something that isn’t going to work.

How can you do sufficient user testing so quickly?

Studies show that the optimum number of users to test is 5. We’ve streamlined a swift search and select process for perfect-fit users, using online advertising, small rewards and a precise qualification process to find the perfect 5.

Who is on your team?

We always bring in the very best experts to fit your unique challenge, covering areas such as UX, design and development, led by a skilled facilitator with years of innovation experience.

How many team members from our company can participate?

The ideal number is 5, but we can confirm this on our intro call.

I have a different question.

No problem! Please shoot us an email at